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Walk with Rev Dr Brad Lauster in the journey toward being a transformed Christian. Through the lens of missionary E. Stanley Jones, Rev Lauster inspires us to focus on the heart of Jesus’ teachings, the Kingdom of God. Join for two teaching sessions, creative worship, and a Hawaiian inspired meal.
We'll gather for worship, hear a one-hour session by Rev. Dr Brad Lauster, eat an Hawaiian inspired lunch, enjoy a second one-hour session, and close with worship. This event is designed to help Christians grow in their faith, to find some rest in a busy world, and to encourage leaders in ministry.
We are asking for a suggested donation of $15. You can bring cash or check the day of the event, mail a check, or give on-line through our Vanco giving platform - any proceeds from the event will support Children and Youth ministries at Pine Run UMC.
We will have a nursery available as well as a corresponding children's event so you can attend as a family. Just let us know a count as you register!
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